All intelligent thoughts have already been thought. what is necessary is only to try to think them again.

Monday, October 3, 2011

its called Triond

Triond is this website where you make money by blogging. its sounds simple but trust me, its not. i've published more than 15 blogs yet it doesnt add much. for an example, my 15 posts only rounded as much as $0,09. so you have to be a diligent blogger to round up $50 (they would send you the money that you earn if you rounded up this much) if you DO wanna try you can go here and then sign up, and get to work. 

the thing about this website is, you cant "actually" copy paste from someone else's blog. so it has to be original. or you can use the "other" way. the "other" other way is when we translate another persons blog to a whole new languange. but you have to make changes a bit, or theyll reject your post. you have to post atlest 10 post a day to speed up your progress. 

and do remember. this triond has a traffic counting system that counts you reader. the more people read your blog, the more money you get. so be sure to add LOTS of friends~

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